About us


Our mission of creating Manish Innovations

“Manish” means in Hindu mythology the God of mind. So our working platform is mind itself while trying to understand the mind of customers and their business and its long term sustainability.

Our focus is to explore dimensions that eventually commands the sustainability of client’s business.

We are developer of unique technology solutions focused on Steel & Power industries for Environmental Protection.

Steel’s Key Role in Sustainable Development


Steel is one of the most common materials that we come across every day. There is hardly any object that we use that does not contain steel.

Progress would be impossible without steel.

Policies imposing extra taxes and charges on the steel production in Kyoto-countries merely results in a switch over of production to other parts of the world. This is likely to increase, rather than reduce, global greenhouse gas concentrations. A competitive global industry such as steel requires new and imaginative approaches in the post-Kyoto period.

Most of the CO2 generated by the steel industry comes from the chemical interaction between carbon and Iron ore in a blast furnace. It produces molten Iron which is converted to steel. The maturity and efficiency of conventional technology means that in most advance facility the Iron reduction process operates close to thermodynamic limits.
